intercompany groups
Managing groups of companies or complex intercompany structures has never been easier.
Our online banking platform is built for the modern digital world that we live in where multiple users and companies interact with each other in different ways.
company level management
Manage companies individually
A dedicated IBAN for each company
Download statements for the company online
Give access to staff, accountants, and auditors
Send and receive funds instantly within the group
Send and receive payments both inside and outside your group to third parties

Group level management
Manage intercompany payments and accesses
Access all your companies from a single login page and dashboard
Switch between companies by using the drop-down menu to perform individual company actions
Give appropriate group-level or entity-level access to users
Instant settlement within the group allows you to better manage taxes, suppliers, and salary commitments.
All funds are held in the European Union regardless of where the company is incorporated