How to Open a Personal Narvi Account?
How to apply for a personal bank account — after your business account is approved.

If you already have a business bank account with us, you can open a Narvi personal account while keeping the same login credentials. This will allow you to switch seamlessly between your accounts.You can register for a personal account via your business account dashboard. Follow the steps below to open up an account:Step 1: Add EntityFrom your dashboard, click on your profile. Then, on the dropdown menu, click “Add entity”.


Step 2: Select Personal BankingYou’ll then be asked which type of account you’d like to open. To open a personal account, click “Personal banking”.


Step 3: Fill in the Information RequiredWe’ll then ask you to fill in some personal information and upload some documents. We’ll ask you for the following information:
- Your name
- Date of birth
- National Identification Number
- Address
- Place of birth
- Nationality
- Your main country of residence
- If you’re a tax resident in the United States
- If you’re a tax resident in any other countries
- Documents confirming your Tax Identification Number
- If you’re a politically exposed person (individuals in high-profile public roles)
- The reasons for opening an account
- Your source of wealth.


Step 4: Submit the QuestionnairePlease then confirm all your information is correct and you’re not subject to the interests of any third party by ticking the boxes. Then click “Submit the questionnaire”.


Step 5: We’ll Review Your ApplicationWe’ll carefully review your application. Once reviewed, you’ll be able to access your new account from your business account dashboard.
